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The 10 most instagrammable places in Venice

The 10 most instagrammable places in Venice

January 2021

Venice is an incredibly unique city. Here visitors are struck by its beauty at every bridge and calle (street) and cannot help but stop every inch of the way to take a picture.

But if you are keen on photography, always looking for the perfect picture, which of Venice’s spots will make you the happiest? In today’s article we will guide you through Venice’s most photogenic spots – aka instagrammable – that will make you take the best pictures of the city.

Ponte dei Sospiri

Located a few steps away from Piazza San Marco, the Ponte dei Sospiri (lit. The Bridge of Sighs) is by far one of the most photographed bridges in Venice.

Why then is it called “dei sospiri”? Its name is most likely related to the purpose the bridge was built for: connecting the Prigioni Nuove (New Prisons) to the Palazzo Ducale through a double passage. It is indeed said that the prisoners sighed by crossing the bridge, knowing that that would have been their very last glimpse of the outside world before their imprisonment.

ponte dei sospiri

Libreria Acqua Alta

The bookshop Libreria Acqua Alta is a true star of the camera! In this well-known instagrammable spot of Venice you’ll find piles of books stored in boats, gondolas and even in a bathtub. It may sound weird, but it’s actually a wise arrangement that helps reduce the damages caused by high water (acqua alta), a phenomenon Venice is constantly threatened by.

libreria acqua alta venezia

Fondamenta della Misericordia

Looking for more hidden places? Tired of “fighting” with all the tourists always photo-bombing your pictures? Then take a stroll in Fondamenta della Misericordia. This quiet area well preserves its Venetian authenticity: here you will mainly meet locals and you will be able to take beautiful photos, totally undisturbed.

fondamenta della msiericordia

Fondamenta del Parucheta

Near Campo San Giacomo dell’Orio you can find one of the most beautiful spots, as well as one of the most instagrammable places in Venice. For instance, by using the same angle of the photo below you can also capture the reflection of the building in the canal.

Fondamenta del Parucheta

Scala Contarini del Bovolo

This staircase is one of the most original examples of Venetian architecture, as well as one of the best panoramic spots in the city – perfect to see San Marco’s bell tower from a different perspective. The name derives from the Venetian “bovolo”, in Italian snail, and owes its name to the shape of the staircase that climbs up the cylindrical tower. Each floor has a loggia beautifully decorated with arches, which photographers often use as a frame to their pictures.


Burano’s colorful houses – often portrayed in the postcards of the Venetian Lagoon – are a true explosion of colors. You can’t really go wrong here as every house, bridge and corner of this village is extremely photogenic thanks to their bright-painted walls. Another spot to add to the most beautiful and instagrammable places in Venice.

burano venezia instagrammabile

Caffè Florian

As mentioned in the post Historic Cafes in Venice: elegance and tradition, Caffè Florian has earned the title of Venice’s oldest café. Founded in 1720, its rich interiors are known all over the world, as well as its famous sign. We suggest to take a picture of it from under the porch, including the shop windows below.


Ponte Chiodo

Why among the 446 bridges in Venice should you remember this particular one? Because Ponte Chiodo is the only bridge that was left without balustrades. Originally, all bridges were made like this, without side protection. From the nineteenth century, however, parapets were added for safety reasons. Only two bridges have been kept in their original state: Ponte Chiodo and Ponte del Diavolo, on the island of Torcello.

ponte chiodo venezia

Fondaco dei Tedeschi

Panoramic views of Venice are a rare thing. There are indeed only a few panoramic spots in the city. The most beautiful one is the terrace of the Fondaco dei Tedeschi, near Rialto. With its 360-degree view over Venice and the Grand Canal, it is considered to be the best panoramic spot in the city. The visit is for free but a reservation is requested.

vista fondaco dei tedeschi

Fondamenta Ca’ Bala’

Interesting name, right? Unlike many streets in Venice, this one doesn’t take its name from any noble families of the Serenissima. This road is located near the salt warehouses, some of which were also used as storage for cod (baccalà in Italian). Originally, the street was indeed called “del Baccalà” and was then shortened into “Ca’ Balà”.

Here you can take a nice photo of a long and straight canal that connects the Grand Canal to the Giudecca Canal. Wait for a gondola or a motorboat to pass by and you’ll get the perfect shot!

fondamenta ca' bal' venezia

Here is the selection of the 10 most instagrammable places in Venice.
May we suggest a very last one?

…our hotel!

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